----------- PS : gw ambil yg kocak2 aja, hahahahahaha.
"I want to play Geum Jandi in Boys over Flowers."
"Minho is eating his fingers. Please give us food."
Fan: 'I love you, Minho!'
Key: 'I also love you, Minho!'
"It's not that I am the kind who talks little, it's just that the members talk too much."
"I was bored of being the good son, so I decided to be naughty!"
*check the rest of quotes ---under the cut---*
1. (key)
"What are you looking at? .. is it your first time seeing a pretty girl? .."
2. (jonghyun)
Fan: 'Kim Jonghyun pabo'
Jonghyun: 'You too'
3. (jonghyun)
Fan: 'Oppa!!!!'
Jonghyun: 'What!!'
4. (key)
[FBG Host]: 'Key likes girl groups, right?'
[Key] : 'Oh, yes, yes...WHAT?'
5. (key)
Key: [Referring to Amber] 'She is my baby.'
Amber: 'And he's my boo.'
6. (minho)
"I know about women. I know that they're not men"
7. (key)
Key: [Referring to Amber] 'Actually it is he not she.'
Amber: 'HE?!?!'
8. (jonghyun and minho)
Jonghyun: 'minho-Goon ... saranghaeyo'
Minho: 'WOOAAAH'
9. (jonghyun)
"Key! You said that 4x4 was 4?"
10. (onew)
Fan: "I'm right behind you.........."
Onew: "Behind me is the wall.""
11. (taemin)
In an Interview: 'What do you want to say to those who want to become a star?'
Taemin: 'If you work hard, then everything will be fine. Fighting!'
12. (minho)
In an Interview : 'What do you want to say to those who want to become a star?'
Minho: 'Mine would be, If you don’t give up your hopes and dreams, then there would always be a good result/ending.'
13. (key)
Key: 'We have something at our dorm that no one else has.'
MC: 'What is it?'
Key: 'We have a snail!'
14. (key)
"I want to try being quiet like Minho but I CAN'T.."
15. (key and onew)
Key: 'I want to get married early.'
Interviewer: 'How early?'
Onew: 'Tomorrow, do it tomorrow.'
16. (onew)
"His (Minho) voice is so low that I think the sound comes from the soles of his feet."
"I followed what the dog did, but then I realized that I'm a human."
18. (key)
"Should we just deceive everyone and debut as a girl group?"
19. (key)
"I think I'm the prettiest."
20. (minho)
"Being pretty is a crime."
21. (jonghyun)
[talking about Minho listing SHINee's numbers in his cell] "He put 'My Lovely' in front of our names!"
22. (onew)
"Mmm...I am very delicious..."
23. (key)
Fan: 'I love you, Minho!'
Key: 'I also love you, Minho!'
24. (key)
"Instead of saying that we [SHINee] are good friends, we should be a called a family instead. We are a family."
25. (onew)
Question: 'Which part of your body you're most pleased with?'
Answer: 'Eyebrows!'
26. (key)
"A lot people have sent me keys as presents. A while ago, someone sent me car keys, but that person wouldn't tell me where the car is!"
27. (minho)
"It's not that I am the kind who talks little, it's just that the members talk too much."
28. (taemin)
Question: 'Member habits that you hate?'
Answer: 'Rolling over me when I sleep!'
29. (jonghyun)
"I don't know how to ride a bike. Honestly."
30. (taemin)
"Blood type B aren't bad boys, believe me. If so, do you believe that Key hyung, Minho hyung, and I are bad too?"
31. (taemin)
"It's cold here in Thailand."
Host: 'Isn't Thailand a hot country?'
"It's cold here in the waiting room."
32. (onew)
"Talk to my body."
"The butterfly went to heaven and became a butterfly necktie."
33. (onew)
"I want to play Geum Jandi in Boys over Flowers."
34. (key)
(referring to Taemin) "I can't let him get married like this!"
35. (minho)
"The reason why SHINee is able to shine so brightly is because we have you all."
36. (key)
"Expecto Patronum!"
37. (minho)
"If I become the class president, I'll kiss all of you..."
38. (jonghyun)
"Taemin is cute. I'll pick Taemin. Taemin is pretty."
39. (jonghyun)
"Key doesn't need keys because he can do everything."
40. (onew)
"My lips went inside the sheep's fur. It was my first kiss. What is this. Why did the staff make me do this?!"
41. (jonghyun)
"Honestly, I am good at soccer. But Minho said he was good, so it would be weird if I won."
42. (taemin)
"When something’s hard, smiling helps us in the end, and it becomes fun."
43. (taemin)
"Onew hyung usually smiles a lot but when he's serious, I can't stop laughing."
44. (taemin)
"Ever since I was young, I really liked Santa Claus. He gave out free gifts!"
45. (minho)
"The lambs were following me. It felt good. I wanted to get closer with the lambs."
46. (onew)
"I think everyone keeps on growing. I've grown about 0.0000001 mm? (laughs)"
47. (taemin)
"Although we're not under the same sky for today, please do not forget that our hearts are always together with you all!"
48. (minho)
"Do not forget that all of you are always shining within SHINee's hearts..."
49. (taemin)
"Minho hyung, please love me even more."
"Minho is eating his fingers. Please give us food."
51. (onew)
"Honestly, amongst all of the SHINee members, in the terms of looks, physique, expression, and everything is charismatic, and the only phrase to describe the person is 'near perfection', that member is... ME!"
52. (onew)
"Minho looks like a main character of a manga."
53. (taemin)
"Our fans are the rice and SHINee is the soup-- an irreplaceable existence."
54. (jonghyun)
"Wingardium Leviosa!"
55. (key)
"I can open anything."
56. (taemin)
"I've been busy with my schedule, so I didn't have the time to check my height. I hope I grew. Did I grow?"
57. (minho)
"I have never seen a ghost, but I would like to see one."
58. (taemin)
"I was bored of being the good son, so I decided to be naughty!"
59. (key)
"Then should we disguise ourselves and debut as a female group?"
60. (key)
"It's so hard to get one word out of him (Minho)."
61. (taemin)
"Hyung, we can't have a girlfriend then?"
62. (minho)
"I have to talk for more than a minute? What can I say? One minute is too long!"
63. (minho)
"I don't know if Taemin knows that I care about him. Taemin, you know it, right? You only have me, right?"
64. (key)
"Didn't I tell you not to touch things without umma's permission?"
65. (onew)
"I want to become the SHINee that will exist in your hearts and be remembered forever."
66. (taemin)
"If I were a girl, I would date Minho because he is 'Flaming Charisma'!"
67. jonghyun)
"If I met an alien, I would definitely be scared at first, but after I got to know it, I would think about how to send it back home."
68. (taemin)
"Hello, I am SHINee's youngest-- No, Leader Taemin is here!"
69. (key)
"Go to school, study hard, then come back."
70. (minho)
"A formula that will never be broken for a lifetime, SHINee + SHINee.W = LOVE."
71. (taemin)
"Honestly, I also think that the dongsaengs younger than me are... little kids! ^^"
72. minho)
"Love drives us CRAYYYYJJEY"
73. (taemin)
"ONEW expelliarmus!!"
74. (key)
"I'll try first, Expecto Patronum!"
75. (minho)
"We have to use the dragon's power to save Taemin!!"
76. (key)
"appa is also Key, umma is also Key"
77. (key)
"Why are you so pretty? I can't forgive your beauty!"
78. (key)
"So my dream isn't to become the "best", it's to be someone who I'm not ashamed to be."
79. (jonghyun)
"Oh my god. Mathematics?"
80. (jonghyun)
Fan: 'I'm getting married with Minho oppa tomorrow'
Jonghyun: 'Congratulations go go'
81. (jonghyun)
"I love you SHINee, you jerks."
82. (key)
"No wonder the Noona's never pick Onew hyung, he is torturing the noona's"
83. taemin)
“A person who dreams for a long time becomes similar to his/her dreams”
shared by ranchul {baka-go-blog.blogspot // ranchullie@lj}
3 Comment:
Taemin mau jadi anak nakal?
hmm, klo anak nakalnya sebangsa taemin sih, senakal apapun gk bkln ku marahin, tapi ku CIUM, HAHAHAHHAHA
MinHo pengen liat hantu? hati2 hantunya jatuh cinta sama dia, Xp
lo ga ada ya yg key bilang kalo dia jadi produser.
40. (onew)
"My lips went inside the sheep's fur. It was my first kiss. What is this. Why did the staff make me do this?!"
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